France on the World Stage

By: Kevin Winston, International Correspondent.

Euronews Bloxburg
2 min readMay 31, 2022

In the last few months, France has improved in international relations. They’ve gained recognition of the largest country in the community, and improved relations with countries. But what are the next steps that France will take to improve their country on the world stage?

Recently, France and Germany had a successful meeting, 2 weeks after Germany recognized France. Not much information was released related to the contents of the meeting, but we did learn more in an exclusive interview with President Enrico Chavinni. In the meeting, topics were discussed about the creation of a single currency pre-dating to the EU, and a shared foreign relations plan. An economic alliance could come in Europe in the future; however, it is un-likely it could without the cooperation of multiple countries.

Now, what will France do to improve their country on the world stage? Enrico Chavinni stated that he plans to get recognition from the United Kingdom, and surprisingly Japan, even though it has been in-active for a very long time. However, recognition from the United Kingdom could be not that far off considering it's already been recognized by BUSA. Enrico Chavinni stated that it is an obstacle to get recognition from BUK due to “concerns and distrust on both sides.” If France accomplishes getting recognition from BUK, it will be a historic moment for the Portuguese community.

EXCLUSIVE: Full Interview with Enrico Chavinni

1. Does France plan to strengthen relations more with specifically Germany?

We do seek to strengthen relations further, however, we would need to complete the EU in order to do so.

2. Is an alliance likely to form between Germany and France?

Alliances are a tricky question, depends on how you think they should work, so I do not think so.

3. Will you improve France’s international relations during your presidency?

That is my goal, the only obstacles left in international diplomacy for us are getting recognition from Japan and the United Kingdom. Japan, because it is almost un-reachable and BUK because of concerns and distrust on both sides.



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