Euronews Bloxburg E-Newspaper Editon

Euronews Bloxburg
5 min readJan 23, 2022


Sunday, January 22nd, 2022.

BUK — BUK General Elections are around the corner.

Timetable for the 2022 General Election.

BUK General Elections are around the corner, and democracy is coming to BUK. In just 2 days, citizens will be able to vote for which candidate they believe should be the Prime Minister of BUK. City of London Elections are also coming. Prior to the election however, the Communist Party of BUK, and its leader was dissolved. To prevent election tampering, citizenship applications will not be read until after the election in BUK.

BREAKING: BUK — Liberal Democrats merger with The Conservative Party of BUK, Liberal Democrats Leader of the Opposition in BUK Resigns.

The Liberal Democrats are now officially merged with the Conservative Party, with the merger being announced a few days before the election. In the document, one of the conditions said:

All parliamentary candidates of the Liberal Democrats will be subsequently included in the Conservative “priority list” for seat distribution in the upcoming election, if such a preference is still existent.

The merger is likely due to in-activity with some Liberal Democrat Members, and the two parties sharing similar ideas. The full document is above.

However, a few days before merger longtime Leader of The Opposition, Tim Harrison resigned from his position. Many reasons were listed out in a resignation letter, including in-active attendance throughout the Liberal Democrats Party, and feeling like he was not doing well in his position. However, we did get to have a special interview with Mr. Harrison, and we asked two questions related to his resignation.

What are your plans for the future after the merger?

My plans are to hopefully serve the nation well. I hope to see myself serve in the cabinet and deliver prosperity and accountability.

What was the reason for your resignation?

The reason is because I felt like I was not doing well in my position as LOTO. As stated in my resignation, I really felt like I wasn't serving the people well. This is why I intend to learn and fix my mistakes in the future.

EUROPE: Portugal, Lichenstein, and many more countries form in Europe, with some planning to join the EU.

“2 countries formed in 24 hours! Europe is getting active again!”

Europe is growing fast, with Portugal, Lichenstein, and Austria all formed this weekend in the EU. This is a sign that Europe is getting active again, with Portugal finishing work on the Arco Da Rua Augusta, and their Parliament Building. They also plan to have an election, and their discord server has multiple channels. We even had a chance to speak with President Rafael De Avis, in DM’s.

Hello, my name is Rafael de Avis (RP’s official name), the plans for Portugal in the future are very simple, a better life for the Portuguese people. Portugal is currently going through a political crisis, as we are unable to elect a President of the Republic, but if all goes well, our country will be stable again by next week.

Portuguese Parliament

However, they are not the only one growing. BRA, or Bloxburg Austria has also been formed by previous leader of BAU. Surprisingly, they have already written a full constitution and recognition list and created a Discord Server in less than 24 hours.

Bloxburg Liechtenstein Royal Palace

Bloxburg Liechtenstein (BLI) formed yesterday and finished construction of the royal palace today with the help of Portugal. It is planned to be a tourist attraction and used for government purposes.

EUROPE: EU continues to grow, with the Netherlands joining today.

The European Union being declared.

The European Union was declared more than one week ago, which united the countries of BRP, BFRN, BDEU, and BRP. These countries are now under one currency, the Euro. 1 Euro is worth 1 British Pound, and these countries are also united with an Economic and Military Alliance. However, President Phillip Schwedes said in a tweet,

With great sorrow we need to acknowledge BUK’s opinion about the European Union. What may come out of this we will see in the coming days, months, or years. We can't follow their example as it will lead to further European separation. In a world that unites, it is too hard for a single country to overcome the troubles we have on this planet. The European Union will be an engaging partner, we want to and will sculpt the world picture with other nations.

We are a unique alliance — We stand for peace, democracy, and stability. The European Union is a result of peace and unity.

The EU however is planned to gain a new member, the Netherlands, which will join at 6 PM CET today.


A Royal Family photo was taken by Ishaan Patel, which shows the BRF Royal Family,

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