Bloxburg France Elections

By: Kevin Winston

Euronews Bloxburg
3 min readMay 6, 2022

An overview of everything you need to know about the 2022 May election, and the background of the candidates.

On May 5th, the election campaigning officially begun for the Bloxburg France elections, marking the start of the election timeline. Bloxburg France is holding its first presidential elections since the creation of the country, with 3 candidates. 2 days from now, from 4 PM on 5/7/2022 to 5 PM on 5/8/2022, citizens will be able to vote. Euronews is here to tell you the information of what each candidate plans to bring to the country, so you can make the best decision on election day.

An overview of the election

On May 3rd, the election candidates were announced, Nicollas Orleans, Eric Zemmour, and Enrico Chavinni. The parties are The Republican Party, The National Rally, and La République En Marche. The election timeline has also been announced.

5/5/2022 to 5/7/2022 at 4 PM: Canidates will be able to campaign for their elections. They can also host rallies, like Enrico Chavinni’s on Thursday.

5/7/2022 at 4 PM to 5/8/2022 at 5 PM: Voting will be open, and citizens of French cities can vote. This likely means that non-citizens of France will not be able to vote, though you can become a citizen by joining their discord.

5/8/2022: Voting will be closed and the election candidate who wins will be announced. However, the exact time of when the votes will be counted is not known yet.

Canidate Overview

Nicollas Orleans — The Republican Party

Nicollas Orleans was the previous Minister of Infrastructure and runs for the Republican Party. The conventions of the Republican Party or Les Republicans, are to solve gobal warming, improve schooling, economic sovereignty, and many more. The party is centre right in politics. From Nicollas Orleans recent tweets, it seems he is focused primarily on education.

Éric Zemmour — The National Rally

Eric Zemmour is the current President of Bloxburg France. He is in the National Rally Party, or Rassemblement National. The party is far right and is an anti-immigration party. It supports economic interventionism and protectionism. He will be running for re-election during this election. Eric Zemmour has brought human rights, and recognition of France to the world according to his recent tweet during his recent term, and it seems he plans to continue his actions. He also said he plans to create a “technical and honest ministry.”

Enrico Chavinni — En Marche Party

Enrico Chavinni is the previous Minister of Economy. He is in the En Marche Party, or La République En Marche. The party is centre, and is a liberal party. The party is a pro-European party and combines social and economic liberalism. Enrico Chavinni has been known fairly more in the community then his other candidates. We do not know much about what he plans to bring to France, but we do know however what his party focusses on.

Now, it's your decision as the voter on who you will vote for. Stay tuned to Euronews for live updates on the election as it approaches closer!



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